God as our Mentor

God has been helping me through tough times in life. He has helped me be a better person day by day. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn about Him and know that. He loves me unconditionally, no matter what happens in life. My experience with God changed my life as I understood what it means to have faith. I realized that I could have a relationship with Him, even though He may or may not be there. Earlier I used to think about Who is God and What is God. It is something that needs to be felt to understand. I used the term “experience” because this is how we should think of our spiritual experiences. As they happen naturally and without effort on our part. For example, my relationship with God began with the feeling that I needed to know Him more deeply because He was so important to me. It was not until I experienced God differently that I realized the importance of my faith. This experience changed my life, and it continues to change me. God’s love for us encompasses everything. I experienced God through meditation, as well as through prayer. The meditation process allowed me to see the world in a new light and understand. What is going on around me more deeply than ever before. Meditation has helped me become more aware of what is happening around me and has helped me make sense of life’s problems better than ever before. My experience with God was an awakening that changed my life in a way that I could never have imagined. I had a spiritual awakening, which is defined as an experience of God or the divine. It is something that cannot be explained in words and can only be felt. Note – If you have a story to tell related to God and inspiring we could publish it here. Please email to info@www.godsyou.com. There will be no payment for your story, but we will give you credit by name if you wish.


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