God is you and You are part of God


You are a part of God. You and I just don’t really understand that yet. We were always told we are not God, God is like Santa Clause and big and powerful and we should be afraid. We are connected by energy to all that is. We are connected to the ocean waves, the eagle in the sky, the energy that is in everything is God. And us.

Who is God Exactly?

God’s love is quite different. It is unconditional love, without expectation. He loves us, not depending on whether we deserve his love. He loves us because is his nature to love.

gods you

Is there a God, One who knows you and can know you? Is this the most crucial question you’ll ever ask? What is the nature of God? What do you think His name is? What does He look like? Is God concerned about you? Is there a reason for your existence, a reason for your life? And, most importantly, are you able to get to know Him — on a personal level?

God has decided to show his character, thoughts, and heart to us because he loves us. Here are seven of God’s properties that we may rely on.

God, who created the world in all of its beauty and originality, is not hidden. He doesn’t have to be distant or aloof. “Somewhere out there,” as they say. Instead, he invites us into a relationship with him so that we can get to know him as a close friend would.


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