Recent polls show that as many as 96 percent of Americans believe in the existence of God. But how do you know there is a God? You cannot prove that God exists by normal scientific methods. And we can’t prove that God exists by our five senses. You can’t see him, touch him, or smell him. However, there is plenty of compelling evidence for God’s existence, and we can make a reasoned decision to believe in God based on that evidence.

For example, the “Big Bang” theory is currently the most widely accepted explanation of cosmological origin. This theory says that a chance collision of gases and matter set in motion a random series of events that, over billions of years, brought us the universe and solar system we know today. But the great cosmological question is, “What caused the Big Bang?” Even more important, where did the gases and matter come from in the first place? You can’t have something come from anything! Mathematicians have computed the odds that a chance explosion of gases would produce even one single structured molecule. The mathematical probability is 1 in 10 to the 243rd power that's a 10 with 243 zeros behind it! The probability of producing a minimum set of the 239 protein molecules required for the smallest possible organism is 1 in 10 to the 119,879th power! Is this reasonable? The great physicist Stephen Hawking once told a reporter, “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the Big Bang are enormous… I think clearly there are religious implications.”

Another key piece of evidence that should be considered is the great order and design evident in the world. Imagine coming upon a laptop computer sitting in the middle of the desert. Would you reason that it came together as a result of a random explosion in an electronics factory? Your thoughts would more likely be that someone made it and placed it there. The intricacy of the design suggests a designer. Buildings suggest an architect, paintings suggest a painter. And there is great intricacy and design in the universe, so it is reasonable to assume there is a Great Designer.


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